Hello! I’m Kim, and I’m really interested how people experience work. Many of us spend 40+ hours at work a week (not to mention all the other kinds of work we do in our lives, from caring for ailing relatives to managing households and raising children), so that experience really matters. It’s important.

I have strong opinions about these things, which you can find in my blog.

Currently, I’m the Director of Operations & Culture at Employ America, an organization that advocates for tighter labor markets and recession readiness. We’re also trying to be something of a model employer, demonstrating the success of fully remote, fully flexible, and worker-friendly businesses.

I am currently open to consulting opportunities - I am especially good at workplace writing and editing tasks (job postings that attract the candidates you want, overhauling the employee handbook to be readable and understandable to your staff), recruiting, and projects in the hiring process like interviews, application review, and creating evaluation exercises for candidates.